Pizza: A Global or Regional Food?

Pizza: A Global or Regional Food?

  Pizza is ubiquitous the world over. Few other gastronomic fares can boast such widespread popularity and lasting appeal, perhaps due to it being relatively cheap and easy to make, tasty, comforting, often seen as a social food, convenient and, above all,...
From Italy to America: The Evolution of Pizza

From Italy to America: The Evolution of Pizza

  Who doesn’t love a slice of gorgeously gooey pizza smothered in tangy tomato sauce and melted cheese? Whether you prefer an ultra-thin and crispy crust or a doughier deep pan, a simple Margherita or a myriad of tasty toppings, sharing a slice with friends or a...
Alternative Names for Pizza in Different Cultures

Alternative Names for Pizza in Different Cultures

  Pizza, the universally beloved dish, has transcended its Italian roots to become a global sensation. However, as it journeyed across continents and cultures, it acquired various transformations, reflecting the diverse interpretations it underwent. Join us on a...
What is the World’s Favourite Pizza?

What is the World’s Favourite Pizza?

  Pizza, a culinary marvel born in the heart of Italy, has conquered the world with its delicious allure. Whether you’re a fan of thin crusts or deep-dish delights, there’s a pizza for everyone. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to discover...